
August 31, 2002

The St. Louis Rams waived S Willie Gary.

The Philadelphia Eagles waived S William Hampton.

The St. Louis Rams released WR Will Blackwell.

The Pittsburgh Steelers traded WR Troy Edwards to the St. Louis Rams.

The New York Jets waived QB Todd Husak.

The Green Bay Packers waived G Tim Stuber.

The New Orleans Saints released RB Terry Allen.

The San Diego Chargers traded TE Steve Heiden to the Cleveland Browns.

The Atlanta Falcons waived WR Shawn Mills.

The Cleveland Browns released TE Rickey Dudley.

The Green Bay Packers waived OT Reggie Nelson.

The San Diego Chargers waived WR Pat Batteaux.

The St. Louis Rams waived LB Michael Hawkes.

The New York Jets waived RB Marlion Jackson.

The St. Louis Rams waived DT Luis Almanzar.

The San Diego Chargers waived CB Lloyd Harrison.

The New York Jets waived RB Jonathan Reese.

WR Jimmy Smith was reinstated from suspension.

The NFL placed WR Jimmy Smith on the exempt list.

The Green Bay Packers released G Jeff Blackshear.

The Green Bay Packers waived CB Jason Suttle.

The Philadelphia Eagles waived G Frank Romero.

The San Diego Chargers waived T Elliot Silvers.

The Denver Broncos waived TE Desmond Clark.

The San Diego Chargers waived LB Deon Humphrey.

The San Diego Chargers waived QB Dave Dickenson.

The New York Jets waived PK Danny Boyd.

The New York Jets waived T Dan Goodspeed.

The Cincinnati Bengals traded HB/K Curtis Keaton to the New Orleans Saints.

The San Francisco 49ers waived G Chad Ward.

August 30, 2002

The San Francisco 49ers waived C Ty Wise.

The Miami Dolphins waived S Scott Shields.

The New Orleans Saints signed T Scott Sanderson.

The Tennessee Titans placed DT Ryan Watson on IR.

The Dallas Cowboys signed DT Russell Maryland.

The Miami Dolphins waived WR Robert Baker.

The Baltimore Ravens waived DB Reggie Waddell.

The New England Patriots waived LB Ratcliff Thomas.

The Baltimore Ravens waived WR Randy Hymes.

The Pittsburgh Steelers waived DB Payton Williams.

The New England Patriots waived OL Pat Downey.

The Chicago Bears released WR Nate Jacquet.

The New York Giants waived K Matt Bryant.

The Baltimore Ravens waived G Lawrence Smith.

The Baltimore Ravens waived DT Jordan Omari.

The Baltimore Ravens waived TE Jonathan Burrough.

The Baltimore Ravens waived OG Jim Jones.

The San Francisco 49ers waived FB Jasen Isom.

The Dallas Cowboys waived P Filip Filipovic.

The New York Giants waived WR Derek Dorris.

The New York Jets signed TE Daniel Wilcox.

S Damon Moore was reinstated from suspension.

The San Francisco 49ers waived DT Cleveland Pinkney.

The New England Patriots released S Chris Hayes.

The San Francisco 49ers placed QB Cade McNown on IR.

The Miami Dolphins waived G Anthony Cesario.

August 29, 2002

The New Orleans Saints released T Scott Sanderson.

The Tennessee Titans waived DT Ryan Watson.

The New York Jets waived DE Riley Kleinhesselink.

The Tennessee Titans signed S Richard Coady.

The Indianapolis Colts placed DB Raymond Walls on IR.

The Cleveland Browns waived DB Lamar Chapman.

The Cleveland Browns waived WR Kwame Cavil.

The Green Bay Packers waived WR Kerry Hood.

The Green Bay Packers waived RB Jason Brookins.

August 28, 2002

The Miami Dolphins placed CB Zebbie Lethridge on IR.

The New York Jets signed QB Todd Husak.

The Carolina Panthers released CB Steve Israel.

The Atlanta Falcons placed WR Shawn Mills on IR.

The San Francisco 49ers placed LB Shane Elam on IR.

The New York Giants waived P Rodney Williams.

The St. Louis Rams waived S Richard Coady.

The Indianapolis Colts waived DB Raymond Walls.

The Minnesota Vikings released TE O.J. Santiago.

The New York Giants signed P Matt Allen.

The Dallas Cowboys waived LB Louis Mackey.

The Buffalo Bills placed DT Leif Larsen on IR.

The Cincinnati Bengals signed CB Lavar Glover.

The San Francisco 49ers placed DT John Schlecht on IR.

The Seattle Seahawks signed T Jerry Wunsch.

The Dallas Cowboys signed LS Jeff Grau.

The NFL placed RB Jason Brookins on the exempt list.

The Cincinnati Bengals placed T Jamain Stephens on IR.

The Minnesota Vikings waived LB Isaac Keys.

The Carolina Panthers signed DB Emmanuel McDaniel.

The Indianapolis Colts released NT Ellis Johnson.

The Philadelphia Eagles placed T Dwayne Ledford on IR.

The Detroit Lions signed LB Donte Curry.

The New Orleans Saints signed WR Derrick Lewis.

The New York Jets waived TE Daniel Wilcox.

The Jacksonville Jaguars signed RB Dan Alexander.

The San Francisco 49ers placed G Chad Ward on IR.

August 27, 2002

The Miami Dolphins waived CB Zebbie Lethridge.

The Minnesota Vikings placed DE Willie Howard on IR.

The St. Louis Rams signed WR Will Blackwell.

The San Francisco 49ers waived RB Vinny Sutherland.

The Denver Broncos waived LB Trev Faulk.

The Denver Broncos waived QB Todd Husak.

The Jacksonville Jaguars placed DT Tim Morabito on IR.

The New York Giants placed C Terence Wagner on IR.

The Carolina Panthers waived T T.J. Washington.

The Houston Texans signed DT Shawn Worthen.

The Atlanta Falcons waived WR Shawn Mills.

The San Francisco 49ers waived LB Shane Elam.

The New England Patriots waived LS Ryan Benjamin.

The Cincinnati Bengals signed DT Ronald Smith.

The New England Patriots placed S Rob Kelly on IR.

The Cleveland Browns waived G Richard Mercier.

The Detroit Lions signed T Ray Brown.

The Cleveland Browns signed FB R.J. Bowers.

The Cleveland Browns placed T Qasim Mitchell on IR.

The Carolina Panthers released WR Patrick Jeffers.

The Minnesota Vikings placed TE O.J. Santiago on IR.

The New England Patriots released LB O.J. Brigance.

The Chicago Bears placed WR Nate Jacquet on IR.

The New York Giants released C/LS Morris Unutoa.

The Dallas Cowboys waived LB Mitch Palmer.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers waived WR Milton Wynn.

The Chicago Bears placed RB Maurice Hicks on the NFI list.

The Oakland Raiders released WR Matt Hatchette.

The Cleveland Browns waived DB Marquis Smith.

The Denver Broncos released C Mark Fischer.

The Cleveland Browns waived DT Marcus Spriggs.

The Green Bay Packers released P Louie Aguiar.

The Cleveland Browns released LB Lenoy Jones.

The Buffalo Bills waived DT Leif Larsen.

The Buffalo Bills placed DT Leif Larsen on IR.

The Pittsburgh Steelers waived CB Lavar Glover.

The Green Bay Packers released RB Ki-Jana Carter.

The Dallas Cowboys waived LB Khary Campbell.

The Minnesota Vikings placed WR Kenny Clark on IR.

The Indianapolis Colts signed LB Justin Seaverns.

The San Francisco 49ers placed DT Josh Shaw on the NFI list.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers waived DE John Stamper.

The San Francisco 49ers waived DT John Schlecht.

The Carolina Panthers placed DE John Milem on IR.

The San Francisco 49ers waived S John Keith.

The New England Patriots waived WR Jimmy Farris.

G Jerry Ostroski retired from the NFL.

The Denver Broncos waived DT Jerry Johnson.

The Dallas Cowboys placed LS Jeff Robinson on IR.

The Washington Redskins waived LS Jeff Grau.

The Cleveland Browns waived K Jay Taylor.

The Kansas City Chiefs waived RB Jarmar Julien.

The Denver Broncos waived T Jared Peck.

The Buffalo Bills waived LB James Cotton.

The Tennessee Titans signed DT James Atkins.

The Dallas Cowboys placed FB Jamar Martin on IR.

The Minnesota Vikings placed LB Isaac Keys on IR.

The Philadelphia Eagles placed DT Hollis Thomas on IR.

The Detroit Lions placed WR Germane Crowell on the PUP list.

The Denver Broncos released S George Coghill.

The Cleveland Browns waived DT Gaylon Hyder.

The New York Giants placed P Gabe Lindstrom on IR.

The Cleveland Browns released DB Emmanuel McDaniel.

The Cleveland Browns waived DB Dyshod Carter.

The Philadelphia Eagles waived T Dwayne Ledford.

The Washington Redskins waived LB Donte Curry.

The San Diego Chargers waived LB Donny Green.

The Denver Broncos waived DB Delvin Hughley.

The New York Jets placed G David Szott on the PUP list.

The Denver Broncos released C David Diaz-Infante.

The Washington Redskins placed G David Brandt on IR.

The Atlanta Falcons placed T Dave Kadela on IR.

The Denver Broncos waived S Darius Clark.

The Buffalo Bills waived TE/L Dan O'Leary.

The Tennessee Titans waived RB Dan Alexander.

The Atlanta Falcons placed TE Dallas Neil on IR.

The Cleveland Browns waived FB Chris Floyd.

The Denver Broncos waived CB Charlie Adams.

The San Francisco 49ers waived G Chad Ward.

The Minnesota Vikings waived OL Chad Beasley.

The Dallas Cowboys waived DE Byron Frisch.

The Miami Dolphins placed T Brent Smith on IR.

The Denver Broncos waived T Brandon Winey.

The Cleveland Browns waived T Brad Bedell.

The New York Giants signed DE Bob Jones.

The Detroit Lions placed DE Anthony Herron on the PUP list.

The Arizona Cardinals placed DE Andy Bowers on IR.

The Cleveland Browns waived TE Alvin MOrrow.

The Miami Dolphins placed TE Alonzo Mayes on IR.

The Minnesota Vikings signed T Adam Haayer.

The Green Bay Packers waived DE Aaron Fields.

August 26, 2002

The Minnesota Vikings placed DT Winfield Garnett on IR.

The Detroit Lions placed T Victor Rogers on IR.

The Houston Texans released DE Uhuru Hamiter.

The Arizona Cardinals waived G Tony Wragge.

The Minnesota Vikings waived K Todd France.

The San Diego Chargers waived FB Terry Witherspoon.

The Indianapolis Colts waived OL Terrance Sykes.

The New York Giants waived C Terence Wagner.

The Oakland Raiders waived G Teag Whiting.

The Houston Texans waived DE Stylez G. White.

The Minnesota Vikings waived DT Shawn Worthen.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers waived G Shane Grice.

The Cincinnati Bengals waived 3RDQ Scott Covington.

The Miami Dolphins waived WR Sam Simmons.

The Jacksonville Jaguars waived TE Ryan Prince.

The Seattle Seahawks waived TE Ryan Neufeld.

The Seattle Seahawks waived DT Ronald Smith.

The Washington Redskins waived S Ron Israel.

The Minnesota Vikings waived QB Romaro Miller.

The Jacksonville Jaguars waived QB Roderick Robinson.

The Washington Redskins placed T Rod Jones on IR.

The Washington Redskins released WR Reidel Anthony.

The Kansas City Chiefs waived CB Reggie Stephens.

The Oakland Raiders placed DE Regan Upshaw on the PUP list.

The Detroit Lions released T Ray Brown.

The Cincinnati Bengals waived DT Randy Chevrier.

QB Randall Cunningham retired from the NFL.

The Pittsburgh Steelers waived FB R.J. Bowers.

The Atlanta Falcons released S Perry Phenix.

The Minnesota Vikings waived K Nick Murphy.

The San Diego Chargers waived WR Nate Turner.

The Arizona Cardinals waived WR Nate Poole.

The Philadelphia Eagles waived WR Na Brown.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers waived TE Mike Roberg.

The Houston Texans placed C Mike Newell on the PUP list.

The Chicago Bears waived LS Mike Leach.

The Kansas City Chiefs waived DE Michael Landry.

The Indianapolis Colts released K Michael Husted.

The Carolina Panthers placed RB/K Michael Bates on IR.

The Seattle Seahawks waived S Maurice Kelly.

The Houston Texans waived FB Matt Snider.

The New York Jets waived T Matt Knutson.

The Miami Dolphins waived RB Marlon Barnes.

The Carolina Panthers waived WR Mareno Philyaw.

The Baltimore Ravens waived LB Louis Green.

The Oakland Raiders waived RB Larry Ned.

The Seattle Seahawks waived WR Kerwin Cook.

The Jacksonville Jaguars waived WR Kendall Newson.

The Seattle Seahawks waived LB Keith Miller.

The Miami Dolphins waived LB Justin Seaverns.

The San Diego Chargers waived TE Josh Whitman.

The Detroit Lions waived RB Jonas Lewis.

The Chicago Bears waived K Jon Hilbert.

The Detroit Lions waived TE John Waerig.

The Indianapolis Colts waived WR John Stone.

The Houston Texans waived P John Baker.

The Tennessee Titans waived S Joe Walker.

The New York Giants waived LB Jody Littleton.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers released T Jerry Wunsch.

The Houston Texans waived T Jerry Wisne.

The Kansas City Chiefs placed S Jerome Woods on IR.

The Indianapolis Colts placed DB Jermaine Hampton on the PUP list.

The Oakland Raiders waived DT Jeremy Staat.

The San Francisco 49ers waived WR Jeremy McDaniel.

The New Orleans Saints waived K Jeff Reed.

The New York Giants placed T Jeff Hatch on IR.

The New York Jets waived RB James Rooths.

The Miami Dolphins waived DT James Atkins.

The Arizona Cardinals waived WR Jake Soliday.

The Houston Texans signed TE Jabari Holloway.

The Arizona Cardinals waived DE Gillis Wilson.

The New York Giants waived P Gabe Lindstrom.

The Kansas City Chiefs waived RB Frank Moreau.

The Arizona Cardinals waived CB Eric Joyce.

The Carolina Panthers waived DT Emarlos Leroy.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers waived WR E.G. Green.

The Detroit Lions waived LB Dustin Cohen.

The Indianapolis Colts placed RB Dominic Rhodes on IR.

The Chicago Bears waived LB Devin Lemons.

The New Orleans Saints waived WR Derrick Lewis.

The Atlanta Falcons waived T Dave Kadela.

The Chicago Bears waived P Daniel Pope.

The New Orleans Saints placed LB Curtis Holden on IR.

The Pittsburgh Steelers waived TE Cory Geason.

The Philadelphia Eagles placed RB Correll Buckhalter on the PUP list.

The Atlanta Falcons waived S Corey Hall.

The Baltimore Ravens waived 3RDQ Cleo Lemon.

The Indianapolis Colts placed DE Chukie Nwokorie on the PUP list.

The Kansas City Chiefs placed CB Central McClellion on the PUP list.

The Houston Texans signed G Cameron Spikes.

The Tennessee Titans waived LB Byron Thweatt.

The Chicago Bears waived TE Bryan Fletcher.

The Minnesota Vikings waived T Brian Crawford.

The Indianapolis Colts placed RB Brian Allen on IR.

The New York Jets waived G Brandon Moore.

The San Diego Chargers waived T Brandon Gorin.

The Pittsburgh Steelers waived DE Bob Jones.

The Houston Texans released MLB Billy Granville.

The Oakland Raiders released WR Bill Davis.

The San Francisco 49ers waived TE Ben Steele.

The Philadelphia Eagles signed WR Antonio Freeman.

The Houston Texans waived DB Anthony Malbrough.

The Oakland Raiders released WR Alex Van Dyke.

The San Diego Chargers placed DE Albert Fontenot on IR.

The Tennessee Titans waived T Adam Haayer.

The Seattle Seahawks waived K Aaron Elling.

August 24, 2002

The Dallas Cowboys signed LS Trey Junkin.

The New England Patriots waived CB Tony Scott.

The Philadelphia Eagles waived P Steve Cheek.

The New England Patriots waived TE Scott Dragos.

The New England Patriots released LB Ryan Phillips.

The Philadelphia Eagles signed QB Randall Cunningham.

The Philadelphia Eagles waived TE Kori Dickerson.

The Philadelphia Eagles waived T Kendrick Rogers.

The New England Patriots waived TE Jabari Holloway.

The Philadelphia Eagles waived CB Darrel Crutchfield.

The Philadelphia Eagles waived FB Corey McIntyre.

The Philadelphia Eagles waived S Clinton Hart.

August 23, 2002

The Washington Redskins traded QB Sage Rosenfels to the Miami Dolphins.

The Dallas Cowboys signed LB Mitch Palmer.

The St. Louis Rams waived T Kaulana Noa.

The Green Bay Packers signed CB Jason Suttle.

The St. Louis Rams waived WR Eugene Baker.

The St. Louis Rams waived T DeMarcus Curry.

The St. Louis Rams waived G Cameron Spikes.

The Detroit Lions traded G Brenden Stai to the Washington Redskins.

August 22, 2002

The Arizona Cardinals waived OLB Sekou Sanyika.

The New Orleans Saints signed WR Robert Wilson.

The Baltimore Ravens signed DB Robert Tate.

The Tennessee Titans waived RB Rafael Cooper.

The Oakland Raiders released DT Mike Mohring.

The Atlanta Falcons waived P Matt Allen.

The Tennessee Titans placed DE Kris Kocurek on IR.

The Tennessee Titans placed WR Jake Schifino on IR.

The Atlanta Falcons signed S Henry Jones.

August 21, 2002

The Houston Texans signed QB Tony Banks.

The Detroit Lions waived QB Scott Dreisbach.

The Minnesota Vikings released DB Robert Tate.

The San Francisco 49ers waived TE Nate Jackson.

The San Francisco 49ers signed WR Jeremy McDaniel.

The Washington Redskins signed K James Tuthill.

The San Francisco 49ers waived SS Fred Booker.

The Houston Texans signed LB Erik Flowers.

The Oakland Raiders released QB Bobby Hoying.

August 20, 2002

The Denver Broncos placed RB Terrell Davis on IR.

The Detroit Lions signed T Ray Brown.

The Atlanta Falcons signed S Perry Phenix.

The New Orleans Saints released TE Johnny Mitchell.

The Buffalo Bills waived WR Jeremy McDaniel.

The Houston Texans waived K James Tuthill.

The Houston Texans waived TE Jake Moreland.

The New England Patriots traded T Grant Williams to the St. Louis Rams.

The Buffalo Bills waived LB Erik Flowers.

The Buffalo Bills waived CB Daryon Brutley.

The Miami Dolphins traded T Cornell Green to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

The Baltimore Ravens signed LB Cornell Brown.

The Houston Texans released FB Clif Groce.

The New York Giants placed S Clarence LeBlanc on IR.

The Denver Broncos placed WR Chris Cole on IR.

August 19, 2002

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers signed G Yusuf Scott.

The Dallas Cowboys waived CB Shad Criss.

The Oakland Raiders signed DT Sam Adams.

The Dallas Cowboys waived WR Richmond Flowers.

The New York Giants signed C/LS Morris Unutoa.

The Seattle Seahawks signed QB Mark Rypien.

The Cincinnati Bengals placed DT Mario Monds on the NFI list.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers waived G Marcus Jenkins.

The Cincinnati Bengals waived TE/L Kirk McMullen.

The Indianapolis Colts signed RB Kevin McDougal.

The New Orleans Saints released QB Jeff Lewis.

The Houston Texans waived CB Jason Suttle.

The Dallas Cowboys waived DE Dwayne Missouri.

The Cleveland Browns released WR Chris Sanders.

The Buffalo Bills signed T Chidi Ahanotu.

The Indianapolis Colts waived RB Ben Gay.

The Dallas Cowboys waived WR Bashir Yamini.

August 17, 2002

The Buffalo Bills signed DT Shawn Price.

August 16, 2002

The Indianapolis Colts signed K Michael Husted.

The New England Patriots released S Daryl Porter.

August 15, 2002

The Houston Texans placed WR Trevor Insley on IR.

The Minnesota Vikings waived QB#3 Spergon Wynn.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers placed G Marcus Jenkins on IR.

The Cleveland Browns placed RB James Johnson on IR.

The Detroit Lions signed LB Dustin Cohen.

The Chicago Bears signed P Daniel Pope.

The Washington Redskins placed WR\Q Cliff Russell on IR.

August 14, 2002

The Green Bay Packers placed WR/K Windrell Hayes on IR.

The Houston Texans waived WR Trevor Insley.

The Green Bay Packers placed S Scott Frost on IR.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers waived G Marcus Jenkins.

The New England Patriots signed CB Jimmy Hitchcock.

The Cleveland Browns waived RB James Johnson.

The New York Giants placed LB Clayton White on the PUP list.

The San Francisco 49ers signed S Chad Cota.

The Houston Texans released LB Allen Aldridge.

August 13, 2002

The Green Bay Packers waived WR/K Windrell Hayes.

The New England Patriots waived RB Walter Williams.

The Seattle Seahawks waived K Shayne Graham.

The Philadelphia Eagles waived OL Pita Elisara.

The Carolina Panthers waived T Pete Campion.

The San Francisco 49ers waived WR Michael Jennings.

The San Francisco 49ers waived FB Matt Stanley.

The Oakland Raiders signed P Kevin Stemke.

The Tennessee Titans waived QB Kevin Daft.

The Kansas City Chiefs signed RB Frank Moreau.

The Dallas Cowboys signed FB Derrick Harris.

The Miami Dolphins waived S Delvin Brown.

The Oakland Raiders placed G Darryl Ashmore on IR.

The New York Giants waived LB Clayton White.

August 12, 2002

The Atlanta Falcons signed LB Sam Rogers.

The Seattle Seahawks waived CB Ramos McDonald.

The New England Patriots signed LB O.J. Brigance.

The St. Louis Rams waived P Kevin Stemke.

The Dallas Cowboys waived TE Johnny Huggins.

The Cincinnati Bengals released OT John Jackson.

The Cincinnati Bengals released DE Jevon Langford.

The Cleveland Browns placed LB Jamir Miller on IR.

The Cleveland Browns signed LB Darren Hambrick.

The Buffalo Bills placed LB Brandon Spoon on IR.

August 10, 2002

The Carolina Panthers signed K Jaret Holmes.

August 9, 2002

The Chicago Bears signed DE Reggie Grimes.

The Green Bay Packers signed P Louie Aguiar.

August 8, 2002

The Carolina Panthers placed T Pete Campion on IR.

The Denver Broncos signed C Mark Fischer.

The San Francisco 49ers signed C Ben Lynch.

The San Francisco 49ers waived G/C Ben Fricke.

August 7, 2002

The Washington Redskins placed DT Santana Dotson on IR.

The Kansas City Chiefs signed DE R-Kal Truluck.

The Carolina Panthers waived T Pete Campion.

The Minnesota Vikings signed OG Orlando Bobo.

The Miami Dolphins placed C Jim Bundren on IR.

August 6, 2002

The Indianapolis Colts signed OL Terrance Sykes.

The Cleveland Browns placed TE Rod Monroe on IR.

The Denver Broncos released WR Rob Moore.

The Chicago Bears signed WR Nate Jacquet.

The Cleveland Browns placed DB Lamar Chapman on IR.

The Miami Dolphins waived C Jim Bundren.

The New Orleans Saints signed QB Jeff Lewis.

The Denver Broncos signed C David Diaz-Infante.

The Baltimore Ravens signed LB Bernardo Harris.

August 5, 2002

The Cleveland Browns waived TE Rod Monroe.

S Mike Furrey retired from the NFL.

The Cleveland Browns waived DB Lamar Chapman.

The Cleveland Browns signed FB Kevin McLeod.

The New Orleans Saints released QB Jeff Lewis.

The Chicago Bears released CB Floyd Young.

The Cleveland Browns signed FB Chris Floyd.

August 3, 2002

The San Diego Chargers activated OT/G Sammy Williams.

The Carolina Panthers waived LB/L Ken Amato.

The Houston Texans signed S Eric Brown.

August 2, 2002

The New York Jets waived C Leon Hires.

The Baltimore Ravens signed T Ethan Brooks.

The Minnesota Vikings signed K Doug Brien.

The Carolina Panthers placed S Deveron Harper on IR.

August 1, 2002

The Carolina Panthers signed DT Terrance Simmons.

The Carolina Panthers signed CB Steve Israel.

The Green Bay Packers waived K Rob Bironas.

The Houston Texans signed DB Kenny Wright.

The Minnesota Vikings released K Doug Brien.

The Carolina Panthers waived S Deveron Harper.

The Green Bay Packers signed WR Chris Jackson.