
August 31, 2015

The Indianapolis Colts waived OLB Zack Hodges.

The Denver Broncos waived QB Zac Dysert.

The Washington Redskins released T Willie Smith.

The Tennessee Titans waived CB Will Brown.

The Buffalo Bills waived DB Wesley Miller.

The Atlanta Falcons waived DT Warren Herring.

The Green Bay Packers waived T Vince Kowalski.

The New York Giants released OLB Victor Butler.

The Detroit Lions waived WR Vernon Johnson.

The Kansas City Chiefs released DT Vaughn Martin.

The Atlanta Falcons waived G Valerian Ume-Ezeoke.

The Seattle Seahawks waived DB Tyrequek Zimmerman.

The Miami Dolphins waived WR Tyler McDonald.

The Indianapolis Colts waived T Tyler Hoover.

The Washington Redskins waived P Ty Long.

The Seattle Seahawks waived DB Triston Wade.

The San Francisco 49ers waived FB Trey Millard.

The New York Jets waived WR Trevor Graham.

The Baltimore Ravens waived WR Trent Steelman.

The Arizona Cardinals waived WR Travis Harvey.

The Baltimore Ravens waived DB Tramain Jacobs.

The Washington Redskins waived WR Tony Jones.

The Carolina Panthers released T Tony Hills.

The Jacksonville Jaguars released CB Tommie Campbell.

The Dallas Cowboys waived P Tom Hornsey.

The San Diego Chargers waived WR Titus Davis.

The Chicago Bears released CB Tim Jennings.

The Washington Redskins waived DB Thomas Wolfe.

The Denver Broncos waived DB Tevrin Brandon.

The Cincinnati Bengals waived WR Tevin Reese.

The Indianapolis Colts placed CB Tevin Mitchel on IR.

The Buffalo Bills waived T Terren Jones.

The Tennessee Titans waived WR Tebucky Jones.

The Green Bay Packers waived LB Tavarus Dantzler.

The Jacksonville Jaguars released WR Tandon Doss.

The Washington Redskins waived CB Tajh Hasson.

The New York Giants signed FS Stevie Brown.

The Baltimore Ravens placed OLB Steven Means on IR.

The Carolina Panthers waived DE Steve Miller.

The San Francisco 49ers waived ILB Steve Beauharnais.

The Minnesota Vikings waived G Stephen Goodin.

The Denver Broncos waived P Spencer Lanning.

The San Francisco 49ers waived OLB Shawn Lemon.

The Arizona Cardinals waived CB Shaquille Richardson.

The Cleveland Browns waived WR Shane Wynn.

The San Francisco 49ers waived T Sean Hooey.

The Miami Dolphins waived CB Sammy Seamster.

The Cincinnati Bengals waived DE Sam Montgomery.

The Atlanta Falcons waived DE Sam Meredith.

The New York Jets waived WR Saalim Hakim.

The Arizona Cardinals waived WR Ryan Spadola.

The Chicago Bears placed SS Ryan Mundy on IR.

The Indianapolis Colts waived WR Ryan Lankford.

The Detroit Lions waived WR Ryan Broyles.

The Detroit Lions waived DT Roy Philon.

The Denver Broncos waived DB Ross Madison.

The Buffalo Bills waived CB Ross Cockrell.

The Dallas Cowboys waived DB Robert Steeples.

The Buffalo Bills waived RB Ricky Seale.

The Chicago Bears waived LS Rick Lovato.

The Denver Broncos released OLB Reggie Walker.

The Dallas Cowboys waived S Ray Vinopal.

The Miami Dolphins waived DE Ray Drew.

The Detroit Lions released CB R.J. Stanford.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers waived DT Quayshawne Buckley.

The Seattle Seahawks waived LB Quayshawn Nealy.

The Miami Dolphins waived FS Phillip Thomas.

The Dallas Cowboys waived WR Phil Bates.

The Seattle Seahawks placed WR Paul Richardson on the PUP list.

The Carolina Panthers waived WR Paul Browning.

The Baltimore Ravens waived LS Patrick Scales.

The Chicago Bears waived DE Olsen Pierre.

The San Francisco 49ers waived WR Nigel King.

The Cincinnati Bengals waived ILB Nico Johnson.

The Indianapolis Colts waived DE Nick Haag.

The Arizona Cardinals waived G Nate Isles.

The Tennessee Titans waived LB Nate Askew.

The San Francisco 49ers waived CB Mylan Hicks.

The Cleveland Browns released MLB Moise Fokou.

The Jacksonville Jaguars waived LB Mister Alexander.

The Tennessee Titans waived K Mike Meyer.

The Philadelphia Eagles waived C Mike Coccia.

The Atlanta Falcons released TE Mickey Shuler.

The Atlanta Falcons waived CB Michael Lee.

The Philadelphia Eagles waived WR Michael Johnson.

The Atlanta Falcons waived RB Michael Ford.

The Buffalo Bills waived DE Michael Buchanan.

The Carolina Panthers waived P Matt Wile.

The New York Jets waived TE Matt LaCosse.

The Atlanta Falcons waived T Matt Huffer.

The Baltimore Ravens placed SS Matt Elam on IR.

The Atlanta Falcons waived WR Marquez Clark.

The Cincinnati Bengals waived FB Mark Weisman.

The San Francisco 49ers waived WR Mario Hull.

The Kansas City Chiefs waived G Marcus Reed.

The Baltimore Ravens waived T Marcel Jones.

The Philadelphia Eagles waived CB Marc Anthony.

The San Diego Chargers waived CB Manny Asprilla.

The Chicago Bears waived DB Malcolm Bronson.

The San Diego Chargers waived DE Luther Robinson.

The Arizona Cardinals released OLB Lorenzo Alexander.

The San Diego Chargers waived TE Logan Stokes.

The Chicago Bears waived WR Levi Norwood.

The Baltimore Ravens waived G Leon Brown.

The Seattle Seahawks released C Lemuel Jeanpierre.

The Carolina Panthers waived FB Lee Ward.

The San Francisco 49ers waived DT Lawrence Okoye.

The Green Bay Packers waived DT Lavon Hooks.

The Miami Dolphins waived WR Laron Byrd.

The Atlanta Falcons placed T Lamar Holmes on the PUP list.

The Kansas City Chiefs waived WR L'Damian Washington.

The Cincinnati Bengals waived DT Kwame Geathers.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers waived SAF Kimario McFadden.

The Jacksonville Jaguars waived ILB Khairi Fortt.

The Chicago Bears placed WR Kevin White on the PUP list.

The Carolina Panthers waived LB Kevin Reddick.

The Chicago Bears waived TE Kevin Greene.

The Philadelphia Eagles waived T Kevin Graf.

The Miami Dolphins waived WR Kevin Cone.

The Buffalo Bills waived SS Kenny Ladler.

The Kansas City Chiefs waived WR Kenny Cook.

The Kansas City Chiefs waived CB Kenneth Penny.

The Miami Dolphins waived DE Kendall Montgomery.

The New York Jets waived DB Keith Lewis.

The Seattle Seahawks waived S Keelan Johnson.

The Jacksonville Jaguars waived P Kasey Redfern.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers waived P Karl Schmitz.

The Philadelphia Eagles waived TE Justin Tukes.

The Indianapolis Colts waived TE Justin Sinz.

The Indianapolis Colts waived LB Justin Shirk.

The Tennessee Titans waived OL Justin McCray.

The Baltimore Ravens waived K Justin Manton.

The Buffalo Bills waived DT Justin Hamilton.

The Minnesota Vikings waived CB Justin Coleman.

The Washington Redskins placed OLB Junior Galette on IR.

The Jacksonville Jaguars placed T Josh Wells on IR.

The Minnesota Vikings placed CB Josh Robinson on the PUP list.

The Philadelphia Eagles waived WR Josh Reese.

The Minnesota Vikings waived OLB Josh Kaddu.

The Green Bay Packers waived LB Josh Francis.

The New England Patriots waived WR Josh Boyce.

The Minnesota Vikings waived WR Jordan Leslie.

The New York Jets waived WR Jonathon Rumph.

The Atlanta Falcons waived CB Jonathon Mincy.

The New England Patriots waived WR Jonathan Krause.

The Cincinnati Bengals waived TE John Peters.

The Atlanta Falcons waived WR John Harris.

The Chicago Bears waived WR John Chiles.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers waived RB Joey Iosefa.

The New England Patriots waived DT Joe Vellano.

The Denver Broncos waived RB Joe Don Duncan.

The Minnesota Vikings waived RB Joe Banyard.

The Detroit Lions waived DB Jocquel Skinner.

The New England Patriots waived TE Jimmay Mundine.

The Seattle Seahawks waived OL Jesse Davis.

The Indianapolis Colts waived DT Jeris Pendleton.

The Kansas City Chiefs waived WR Jeret Smith.

The Philadelphia Eagles waived DT Jeremy Towns.

The Denver Broncos waived RB Jeremy Stewart.

The Seattle Seahawks placed CB Jeremy Lane on the PUP list.

The Chicago Bears waived WR Jeremy Kelley.

The Jacksonville Jaguars waived QB Jeff Tuel.

The Denver Broncos placed TE Jeff Heuerman on IR.

The New York Jets released CB Javier Arenas.

The Philadelphia Eagles waived C Jared Wheeler.

The New York Jets released T James Brewer.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers waived DE Jamal Young.

The Minnesota Vikings waived WR Jalil Carter.

The Cleveland Browns released RB Jalen Parmele.

The Denver Broncos waived TE Jake Murphy.

The San Diego Chargers waived RB Jahwan Edwards.

The Jacksonville Jaguars waived T Jack Rummells.

The Miami Dolphins released C J.D. Walton.

The Indianapolis Colts waived G Harland Gunn.

The Seattle Seahawks waived TE Greg Scruggs.

The Jacksonville Jaguars waived WR Greg Jenkins.

The Arizona Cardinals waived LB Glenn Carson.

The Miami Dolphins waived TE Gerell Robinson.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers waived DE George Uko.

The Seattle Seahawks waived RB George Farmer.

The Detroit Lions waived QB Garrett Gilbert.

The Arizona Cardinals waived TE Gannon Sinclair.

The Philadelphia Eagles waived QB G.J. Kinne.

The Buffalo Bills released RB Fred Jackson.

The San Diego Chargers waived T Forrestal Hickman.

The Tennessee Titans released C Fernando Velasco.

The Green Bay Packers waived T Fabbians Ebbele.

The Indianapolis Colts waived WR Ezell Ruffin.

The Cleveland Browns released OLB Everette Brown.

The Washington Redskins waived TE Ernst Brun.

The Detroit Lions waived DE Erik Williams.

The Atlanta Falcons waived G Eric Lefeld.

The Jacksonville Jaguars waived DT Eric Crume.

The Buffalo Bills released CB Ellis Lankster.

The Arizona Cardinals waived LB Edwin Jackson.

The Washington Redskins waived LB Dyshawn Davis.

The Washington Redskins waived CB DreQuan Hoskey.

The Indianapolis Colts released G Donald Thomas.

The Indianapolis Colts waived CB Donald Celiscar.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers waived RB Dominique Brown.

The Tennessee Titans waived LB Dezmond Johnson.

The Washington Redskins waived TE Devin Mahina.

The New York Jets waived WR DeVier Posey.

The Indianapolis Colts waived CB Deveron Carr.

The Detroit Lions waived RB Desmond Martin.

The Cincinnati Bengals waived WR Desmond Lawrence.

The Jacksonville Jaguars waived SS Desmond Cooper.

The Seattle Seahawks waived WR Deshon Foxx.

The Tennessee Titans waived DT Derrick Lott.

The Atlanta Falcons waived NT Derrick Hopkins.

The Seattle Seahawks waived WR Deontay Greenberry.

The Tennessee Titans waived WR Deon Long.

The Detroit Lions waived TE Deon Butler.

The Cincinnati Bengals released WR Denarius Moore.

The Minnesota Vikings released CB DeMarcus Van Dyke.

The New England Patriots released OLB Dekoda Watson.

The Baltimore Ravens waived WR DeAndre Carter.

The San Diego Chargers waived TE David Paulson.

The Arizona Cardinals released P Dave Zastudil.

The Minnesota Vikings waived WR DaVaris Daniels.

The Philadelphia Eagles waived LB Dasman McCullum.

The Baltimore Ravens placed T Darryl Baldwin on the NFI list.

The Arizona Cardinals waived CB Darren Woodard.

The Jacksonville Jaguars placed DE Dante Fowler Jr. on IR.

The Chicago Bears released RB Daniel Thomas.

The New York Jets waived C Dalton Freeman.

The Carolina Panthers waived TE Dallas Walker.

The Buffalo Bills waived G D.J. Morrell.

The Seattle Seahawks released DT D'Anthony Smith.

The San Diego Chargers waived OLB Curtis Grant.

The New York Jets waived CB Curtis Brown.

The San Francisco 49ers waived K Corey Acosta.

The Jacksonville Jaguars waived TE Connor Hamlett.

The Jacksonville Jaguars waived T Cody Booth.

The San Francisco 49ers waived WR Chuck Jacobs.

The Detroit Lions placed CB Christopher Owens on IR.

The Minnesota Vikings waived DT Chrishon Rose.

The Chicago Bears waived TE Chris Pantale.

The Cincinnati Bengals waived G Chris Jasperse.

The Baltimore Ravens placed CB Chris Greenwood on IR.

The Denver Broncos traded T Chris Clark to the Houston Texans.

The Tennessee Titans waived OLB Chaz Sutton.

The Denver Broncos waived DE Chase Vaughn.

The San Diego Chargers waived QB Chase Rettig.

The Washington Redskins waived TE Chase Dixon.

The Kansas City Chiefs waived NT Charles Tuaau.

The Buffalo Bills waived DE Cedric Reed.

The Dallas Cowboys waived LS Casey Kreiter.

The Minnesota Vikings waived T Carter Bykowski.

The Dallas Cowboys waived DT Carlif Taylor.

The Chicago Bears waived T Cameron Jefferson.

The San Diego Chargers waived DE Cameron Botticelli.

The Buffalo Bills placed DB Cam Thomas on the PUP list.

The Miami Dolphins waived DT Calvin Barnett.

The Minnesota Vikings waived DE Caesar Rayford.

The Washington Redskins waived T Bryce Quigley.

The Miami Dolphins waived G Bryant Browning.

The Washington Redskins released CB Bryan McCann.

The New York Jets waived OLB Bryan Johnson.

The San Diego Chargers waived OLB Brock Hekking.

The Indianapolis Colts waived C Brandon Vitabile.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers waived LS Brandon Hartson.

The Seattle Seahawks waived FB Brandon Cottom.

The Minnesota Vikings waived TE Brandon Bostick.

The Philadelphia Eagles waived DB Brandan Bishop.

The Atlanta Falcons waived LB Boris Anyama.

The Carolina Panthers waived WR Avius Capers.

The Buffalo Bills waived WR Austin Willis.

The New York Jets waived WR Austin Hill.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers waived G Antoine Everett.

The Cleveland Browns waived TE Anthony Ezeakunne.

The Kansas City Chiefs waived T Anthony Dima.

The Buffalo Bills waived LB Andrew Hudson.

The Kansas City Chiefs waived LS Andrew East.

The Denver Broncos waived G Andre Davis.

The Arizona Cardinals waived LB Andrae Kirk.

The Washington Redskins waived OLB Alonzo Highsmith.

The Baltimore Ravens placed TE Allen Reisner on IR.

The Philadelphia Eagles waived DE Alfy Hill.

The Baltimore Ravens released WR Aldrick Robinson.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers waived CB Al-Hajj Shabazz.

The Chicago Bears waived CB Al Louis-Jean.

The Kansas City Chiefs waived TE Adam Schiltz.

The Indianapolis Colts waived RB Abou Toure.

The Cleveland Browns released CB Aaron Ross.

The Kansas City Chiefs waived DB Aaron Hester.

August 29, 2015

The Houston Texans released FS Stevie Brown.

The Arizona Cardinals waived DB Ross Weaver.

The Oakland Raiders waived S Jonathan Dowling.

The Jacksonville Jaguars waived T Brennan Williams.

August 28, 2015

The New York Giants waived LB Tony Johnson.

The Denver Broncos waived WR Solomon Patton.

The Pittsburgh Steelers waived RB Ross Scheuerman.

The Oakland Raiders waived T Quinterrius Eatmon.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers released LB Orie Lemon.

The New York Jets signed QB Josh Johnson.

The New York Jets waived QB Jake Heaps.

The New England Patriots placed DE Jake Bequette on IR.

The Denver Broncos signed TE Dan Light.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers signed K Connor Barth.

August 27, 2015

The Cleveland Browns waived G Ryan Seymour.

The Cleveland Browns signed QB Pat Devlin.

The New England Patriots waived T Mark Asper.

The Green Bay Packers signed WR James Butler.

The New England Patriots waived DE Jake Bequette.

The Atlanta Falcons placed RB Evan Royster on IR.

The Oakland Raiders placed LB Chase Williams on IR.

The New England Patriots waived LB Cameron Gordon.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers signed LS Brandon Hartson.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers waived K Brandon Bogotay.

The New England Patriots released DT Antonio Johnson.

August 26, 2015

The Oakland Raiders signed FS Taylor Mays.

The New York Jets released TE Steve Maneri.

The Atlanta Falcons signed QB Rex Grossman.

The Detroit Lions traded TE Michael Williams to the New England Patriots.

The Pittsburgh Steelers signed QB Michael Vick.

The Detroit Lions signed C Joe Madsen.

The New England Patriots waived WR Jimmy Jean.

The Seattle Seahawks waived QB Jake Waters.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers signed P Jacob Schum.

The Atlanta Falcons waived RB Evan Royster.

The Denver Broncos signed G Evan Mathis.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers waived SAF Derrick Wells.

The Seattle Seahawks signed WR Deontay Greenberry.

The New York Jets placed DE Davon Walls on IR.

The Denver Broncos released K Connor Barth.

The Oakland Raiders waived LB Chase Williams.

The New York Jets signed OLB Bryan Johnson.

The Pittsburgh Steelers placed QB Bruce Gradkowski on IR.

August 25, 2015

The Dallas Cowboys waived LB Will Smith.

The Philadelphia Eagles placed DT Wade Keliikipi on IR.

The New York Giants placed LB Tony Johnson on IR.

The New England Patriots signed WR Reggie Wayne.

The New York Jets signed TE Matt LaCosse.

The Miami Dolphins placed FS Louis Delmas on IR.

The Detroit Lions placed OLB Kevin Snyder on IR.

The Cincinnati Bengals waived DT Kalafitoni Pole.

The New York Giants placed OLB Justin Currie on IR.

The Cincinnati Bengals released QB Josh Johnson.

The Philadelphia Eagles waived LB Jordan DeWalt-Ondijo.

The Chicago Bears placed T Jason Weaver on IR.

The Carolina Panthers placed DE Frank Alexander on IR.

The Cincinnati Bengals waived SAF Erick Dargan.

The New England Patriots waived FB Eric Kettani.

The Pittsburgh Steelers signed C Doug Legursky.

The New York Jets waived DE Davon Walls.

The Pittsburgh Steelers placed WR David Nelson on IR.

The Jacksonville Jaguars placed WR Damian Copeland on IR.

The New York Giants signed S C.J. Conway.

The New England Patriots placed WR Brian Tyms on IR.

The Jacksonville Jaguars placed T Brennan Williams on IR.

August 24, 2015

The Jacksonville Jaguars signed G Will Corbin.

The Philadelphia Eagles waived DT Wade Keliikipi.

The New York Giants waived LB Tony Johnson.

The Jacksonville Jaguars signed LB Mister Alexander.

The Miami Dolphins waived WR Michael Preston.

The New Orleans Saints waived TE Michael Egnew.

The Atlanta Falcons waived ILB Marquis Spruill.

The Cleveland Browns waived TE Manasseh Garner.

The Chicago Bears signed G Lucas Nix.

The Seattle Seahawks placed DT Kona Schwenke on IR.

The Detroit Lions waived OLB Kevin Snyder.

The New York Giants waived OLB Justin Currie.

The Detroit Lions signed LB Justin Cherocci.

The Detroit Lions placed TE Jordan Thompson on IR.

The Atlanta Falcons signed WR John Harris.

The Philadelphia Eagles signed DT Jeremy Towns.

The Seattle Seahawks waived DB Jeremy Crayton.

The Chicago Bears waived T Jason Weaver.

The St. Louis Rams placed WR Isiah Ferguson on IR.

The Carolina Panthers waived DE Frank Alexander.

The Detroit Lions signed DE Erik Williams.

The Jacksonville Jaguars signed WR Erik Lora.

The Seattle Seahawks signed WR Deshon Foxx.

The Jacksonville Jaguars waived WR Damian Copeland.

The Carolina Panthers signed TE Dallas Walker.

The New England Patriots signed LB D.J. Lynch.

The Minnesota Vikings released LS Cullen Loeffler.

The Dallas Cowboys placed T Cody Clay on IR.

The New Orleans Saints signed TE Chris Manhertz.

The New England Patriots waived WR Brian Tyms.

The Jacksonville Jaguars waived T Brennan Williams.

The New England Patriots placed WR Brandon Gibson on IR.

The Philadelphia Eagles signed DB Brandan Bishop.

The New York Giants signed OLB Ashlee Palmer.

The Jacksonville Jaguars placed WR Arrelious Benn on IR.

The Cleveland Browns signed TE Anthony Ezeakunne.

August 22, 2015

The Detroit Lions released FS Taylor Mays.

The Seattle Seahawks waived DT Kona Schwenke.

The Detroit Lions waived TE Jordan Thompson.

The Buffalo Bills waived DT Jeremy Towns.

The Detroit Lions waived WR Jarred Haggins.

The Seattle Seahawks signed RB George Farmer.

The Philadelphia Eagles waived SS Earl Wolff.

The San Francisco 49ers traded TE Derek Carrier to the Washington Redskins.

The Detroit Lions signed TE Deon Butler.

The Dallas Cowboys waived T Cody Clay.

The Dallas Cowboys signed DT Carlif Taylor.

The Buffalo Bills signed WR Austin Willis.

The Washington Redskins placed LB Adam Hayward on IR.

August 21, 2015

The Dallas Cowboys waived WR Reggie Dunn.

The Dallas Cowboys signed WR Phil Bates.

The Indianapolis Colts waived Lawrence Smith.

The New Orleans Saints placed TE Kevin Brock on IR.

The St. Louis Rams waived WR Isiah Ferguson.

The Indianapolis Colts signed G Harland Gunn.

The Dallas Cowboys signed WR Edmond Gates.

The Dallas Cowboys waived WR Deontay Greenberry.

The Dallas Cowboys signed LB Dakorey Johnson.

The Arizona Cardinals placed DT Corey Peters on IR.

The Indianapolis Colts waived LB Cody Galea.

The Dallas Cowboys waived CB Brandon Smith.

The Philadelphia Eagles waived MLB Brandon Hepburn.

The New Orleans Saints waived WR Andy Tanner.

August 20, 2015

The Dallas Cowboys signed CB Rod Sweeting.

The Houston Texans placed TE Mike McFarland on IR.

The Denver Broncos placed NT Marvin Austin on IR.

The Dallas Cowboys waived RB Lache Seastrunk.

The New Orleans Saints waived TE Kevin Brock.

The Pittsburgh Steelers placed LB Jordan Zumwalt on IR.

The Carolina Panthers waived TE Jamie Childers.

The Denver Broncos signed TE Jake Murphy.

The Pittsburgh Steelers waived WR Devin Gardner.

The Buffalo Bills waived TE Clay Burton.

The New Orleans Saints placed NT Austin Brown on IR.

August 19, 2015

The Arizona Cardinals placed OLB Zack Wagenmann on IR.

The Washington Redskins waived LB Trevardo Williams.

The Buffalo Bills waived CB Rod Sweeting.

The Buffalo Bills signed DE Red Bryant.

The Houston Texans signed SS Quintin Demps.

The Houston Texans waived TE Mike McFarland.

The Cincinnati Bengals signed WR Michael Bennett.

The New York Jets signed QB Matt Flynn.

The San Diego Chargers signed TE Logan Stokes.

The Pittsburgh Steelers signed LB L.J. Fort.

The New Orleans Saints placed TE Kevin Brock on IR.

The Pittsburgh Steelers waived LB Jordan Zumwalt.

The Philadelphia Eagles placed LB Jordan DeWalt-Ondijo on IR.

The Houston Texans waived DE Jasper Coleman.

The Cincinnati Bengals waived TE Jake Murphy.

The Houston Texans signed DE Fili Moala.

The San Diego Chargers waived TE Eric Frohnapfel.

The New Orleans Saints signed DT David Hunter.

The Arizona Cardinals released LB Darryl Sharpton.

The Detroit Lions placed C Darren Keyton on IR.

The Buffalo Bills signed RB Cierre Wood.

The Buffalo Bills waived TE Chris Manhertz.

The Arizona Cardinals placed SAF Brandon Person on IR.

The New Orleans Saints waived NT Austin Brown.

The New York Jets waived WR Arthur Williams.

The New Orleans Saints signed TE Alex Smith.

August 18, 2015

The Arizona Cardinals waived OLB Zack Wagenmann.

The Indianapolis Colts waived WR Tyler Rutenbeck.

The Buffalo Bills placed OLB Ty Powell on IR.

The Pittsburgh Steelers waived QB Tajh Boyd.

The Minnesota Vikings signed G Stephen Goodin.

The Washington Redskins placed RB Silas Redd on IR.

The Buffalo Bills signed RB Ricky Seale.

The Dallas Cowboys placed S Ray Vinopal on IR.

The Buffalo Bills signed OLB Quentin Groves.

The Minnesota Vikings placed T Phil Loadholt on IR.

The Seattle Seahawks waived LS Nate Boyer.

The New England Patriots waived TE Logan Stokes.

The New Orleans Saints placed NT Lawrence Virgil on IR.

The Indianapolis Colts signed Lawrence Smith.

The New England Patriots waived LB L.J. Fort.

The Philadelphia Eagles waived LB Jordan DeWalt-Ondijo.

The New England Patriots traded OL Jordan Devey to the San Francisco 49ers.

The New York Giants signed DE Jimmy Staten.

The Pittsburgh Steelers signed WR Jarrod West.

The Buffalo Bills placed DE Jarius Wynn on IR.

The Carolina Panthers placed TE Jamie Childers on IR.

The Seattle Seahawks signed QB Jake Waters.

The New York Jets waived P Jacob Schum.

The Kansas City Chiefs signed LB Ja'Gared Davis.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers signed T Gosder Cherilus.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers waived FB Evan Rodriguez.

The Buffalo Bills waived DE Erik Williams.

The Oakland Raiders signed WR Devon Wylie.

The Detroit Lions released TE David Ausberry.

The Philadelphia Eagles signed LB Dasman McCullum.

The Detroit Lions waived C Darren Keyton.

The Detroit Lions placed C Darren Keyton on IR.

The Indianapolis Colts placed LB Cody Galea on IR.

The New England Patriots signed T Chris Martin.

The Arizona Cardinals signed RB Chris Johnson.

The New York Giants waived DT Carlif Taylor.

The Arizona Cardinals waived SAF Brandon Person.

The Oakland Raiders waived WR Austin Willis.

The San Francisco 49ers traded TE Asante Cleveland to the New England Patriots.

The New York Jets signed TE Arthur Lynch.

The Arizona Cardinals signed SAF Anthony Walters.

The Kansas City Chiefs waived WR Adam Drake.

August 17, 2015

The Washington Redskins placed LB Trevardo Williams on IR.

The Atlanta Falcons signed CB Travis Howard.

The Miami Dolphins placed WR Tommy Streeter on IR.

The Atlanta Falcons signed LB Terrell Manning.

The Washington Redskins waived RB Silas Redd.

The Dallas Cowboys waived S Ray Vinopal.

The Washington Redskins placed TE Niles Paul on IR.

The Indianapolis Colts signed DE Nick Haag.

The New York Giants placed FS Mykkele Thompson on IR.

The Dallas Cowboys signed RB Michael Hill.

The New Orleans Saints signed TE Michael Egnew.

The Carolina Panthers signed P Matt Wile.

The Jacksonville Jaguars waived LB Matt Robinson.

The Washington Redskins placed TE Logan Paulsen on IR.

The New Orleans Saints waived NT Lawrence Virgil.

The Buffalo Bills waived DB Lavelle Westbrooks.

The New Orleans Saints waived WR Kyle Prater.

The Seattle Seahawks signed S Keelan Johnson.

The New Orleans Saints signed LB Justin Anderson.

The Cleveland Browns waived C Joe Madsen.

The Seattle Seahawks waived DE Jimmy Staten.

The Seattle Seahawks signed DB Jeremy Crayton.

The Dallas Cowboys waived CB Jason Wilson.

The Carolina Panthers waived TE Jamie Childers.

The Miami Dolphins signed LB James Davidson.

The Dallas Cowboys waived RB George Farmer.

The Minnesota Vikings placed WR Gavin Lutman on IR.

The Cleveland Browns signed OLB Everette Brown.

The Atlanta Falcons signed RB Evan Royster.

The Washington Redskins signed TE Ernst Brun.

The Buffalo Bills signed CB Ellis Lankster.

The Tennessee Titans waived WR Edmond Gates.

The Atlanta Falcons released T DeMarcus Love.

The Dallas Cowboys signed WR David Porter.

The Seattle Seahawks waived LB Dakorey Johnson.

The Washington Redskins signed TE D.J. Williams.

The Indianapolis Colts waived LB Cody Galea.

The Cleveland Browns waived DT Christian Tupou.

The New Orleans Saints signed LB Chris Young.

The Miami Dolphins waived T Chris Martin.

The New Orleans Saints waived LS Chris Highland.

The New York Giants waived K Chris Boswell.

The Pittsburgh Steelers waived RB Cameron Stingily.

The Miami Dolphins signed G Bryant Browning.

The New York Giants signed FS Brandon Meriweather.

The Philadelphia Eagles placed MLB Brandon Hepburn on IR.

The Dallas Cowboys signed RB Ben Malena.

The Philadelphia Eagles placed DE B.J. McBryde on IR.

The New Orleans Saints signed NT Austin Brown.

The Miami Dolphins waived TE Arthur Lynch.

The Tennessee Titans signed OLB Andy Studebaker.

The New Orleans Saints released TE Alex Smith.

The Green Bay Packers waived WR Adrian Coxson.

The Cleveland Browns signed CB Aaron Ross.

August 15, 2015

The Miami Dolphins signed WR Tyler McDonald.

The Miami Dolphins waived WR Tommy Streeter.

The Chicago Bears signed WR Jeremy Kelley.

The Chicago Bears waived ILB DeDe Lattimore.

August 14, 2015

The Washington Redskins waived LB Trevardo Williams.

The Denver Broncos signed P Spencer Lanning.

The Miami Dolphins waived FS Shamiel Gary.

The Washington Redskins signed LB Sage Harold.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers waived LB Quinton Alston.

The Minnesota Vikings signed DT Gregory Hickman.

The Minnesota Vikings waived WR Gavin Lutman.

The Philadelphia Eagles waived DE Frances Mays.

The Green Bay Packers signed WR Ed Williams.

The Seattle Seahawks waived WR Deshon Foxx.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers signed SAF Derrick Wells.

The Philadelphia Eagles signed OLB Deontae Skinner.

The New England Patriots signed DT Casey Walker.

The Pittsburgh Steelers placed RB Cameron Stingily on IR.

The Buffalo Bills waived WR Caleb Holley.

The Philadelphia Eagles waived MLB Brandon Hepburn.

The Philadelphia Eagles waived DE B.J. McBryde.

The Philadelphia Eagles signed DE Alfy Hill.

The Seattle Seahawks signed LB Alex Singleton.

August 13, 2015

The New England Patriots placed RB Tyler Gaffney on IR.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers waived P Spencer Lanning.

The Pittsburgh Steelers placed K Shaun Suisham on IR.

The Green Bay Packers signed DB Ryan White.

The Atlanta Falcons placed NT Ricky Heimuli on IR.

The Denver Broncos waived T Matt Hall.

The Buffalo Bills waived WR Justin Brown.

The Dallas Cowboys placed CB Jason Wilson on IR.

The Pittsburgh Steelers signed WR David Nelson.

The Atlanta Falcons waived SS Damian Parms.

The Tennessee Titans waived S Cody Prewitt.

The Buffalo Bills placed TE Clay Burton on IR.

The Dallas Cowboys placed DT Chris Whaley on IR.

The Pittsburgh Steelers waived RB Cameron Stingily.

The Buffalo Bills placed WR Caleb Holley on IR.

The Pittsburgh Steelers signed RB Braylon Heard.

The San Francisco 49ers waived C Ben Gottschalk.

August 12, 2015

The New England Patriots waived RB Tyler Gaffney.

The Miami Dolphins placed FS Shamiel Gary on IR.

The Atlanta Falcons waived NT Ricky Heimuli.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers placed LB Quinton Alston on IR.

The Atlanta Falcons signed CB Michael Lee.

The Buffalo Bills signed DB Lavelle Westbrooks.

The Dallas Cowboys waived CB Jason Wilson.

The Pittsburgh Steelers waived DB Isaiah Lewis.

The Buffalo Bills signed OLB IK Enemkpali.

The Pittsburgh Steelers placed WR Devin Gardner on IR.

The Buffalo Bills waived TE Clay Burton.

The Dallas Cowboys waived DT Chris Whaley.

The Buffalo Bills waived WR Caleb Holley.

The Dallas Cowboys signed CB Brandon Smith.

August 11, 2015

The Miami Dolphins waived WR Tyler McDonald.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers signed DT Tony McDaniel.

The Atlanta Falcons waived S Terell Floyd.

The Miami Dolphins waived FS Shamiel Gary.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers waived Sammuel Lamur.

The Arizona Cardinals signed DB Ross Weaver.

The Green Bay Packers waived WR Ricky Collins.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers waived LB Quinton Alston.

The Miami Dolphins signed FS Phillip Thomas.

The Jacksonville Jaguars placed LB Matt Robinson on IR.

The Philadelphia Eagles signed CB Marc Anthony.

The Indianapolis Colts signed G Kitt O'Brien.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers signed P Karl Schmitz.

The Buffalo Bills placed WR Justin Brown on IR.

The Detroit Lions signed DB Jocquel Skinner.

The New York Jets signed CB Javier Arenas.

The New York Jets waived OLB IK Enemkpali.

The Pittsburgh Steelers signed K Garrett Hartley.

The Philadelphia Eagles placed DE Frances Mays on IR.

The Indianapolis Colts waived G Dionte Savage.

The Pittsburgh Steelers waived WR Devin Gardner.

The Miami Dolphins signed RB Demitrius Bronson.

The Detroit Lions placed TE David Ausberry on IR.

The Arizona Cardinals waived SS D.J. Campbell.

The Tennessee Titans placed SAF Curtis Riley on IR.

The Chicago Bears waived TE Brian Vogler.

August 10, 2015

The Dallas Cowboys placed LB Will Smith on IR.

The Tennessee Titans signed CB Will Brown.

The Seattle Seahawks signed DB Tyrequek Zimmerman.

The New England Patriots signed RB Tony Creecy.

The New England Patriots signed QB Ryan Lindley.

The Chicago Bears traded G Ryan Groy to the New England Patriots.

The Cleveland Browns waived WR Rodney Smith.

The Cleveland Browns signed MLB Moise Fokou.

The New England Patriots traded MLB Matthew Wells to the Chicago Bears.

The Jacksonville Jaguars waived LB Matt Robinson.

The Denver Broncos signed T Matt Hall.

The New England Patriots released QB Matt Flynn.

The New England Patriots waived DE Mason Brodine.

The New England Patriots signed TE Logan Stokes.

The Buffalo Bills waived WR Justin Brown.

The Philadelphia Eagles waived WR John Harris.

The Detroit Lions signed TE Jacob Maxwell.

The Philadelphia Eagles signed WR Freddie Martino.

The Philadelphia Eagles waived DE Frances Mays.

The Buffalo Bills signed DE Erik Williams.

The Denver Broncos waived WR David Porter.

The Tennessee Titans waived SAF Curtis Riley.

The Green Bay Packers waived P Cody Mandell.

The New England Patriots released OLB Chris White.

The Jacksonville Jaguars signed DE Camaron Beard.

August 9, 2015

The St. Louis Rams waived RB Terrence Franks.

The Kansas City Chiefs waived LB Sage Harold.

The Seattle Seahawks waived SAF Robert Smith.

The Indianapolis Colts waived T Matt Hall.

The St. Louis Rams signed DT Marcus Forston.

The Cleveland Browns signed TE Manasseh Garner.

The Indianapolis Colts waived G Kitt O'Brien.

The Cleveland Browns waived TE Kevin Haplea.

The Cleveland Browns signed DB Joe Rankin.

The Pittsburgh Steelers placed DB Isaiah Lewis on IR.

The Indianapolis Colts signed CB Eric Patterson.

The Indianapolis Colts signed G Dionte Savage.

The Cleveland Browns waived LB Darius Eubanks.

The Tennessee Titans placed FB Connor Neighbors on IR.

The Kansas City Chiefs waived WR Armon Binns.

The Kansas City Chiefs signed T Anthony Dima.

The Kansas City Chiefs signed WR Adam Drake.

August 8, 2015

The Tennessee Titans signed RB Zach Boren.

The Dallas Cowboys waived LB Will Smith.

The San Francisco 49ers signed OLB Shawn Lemon.

The Arizona Cardinals signed C Lyle Sendlein.

The New York Giants signed DB Justin Halley.

The Dallas Cowboys waived LB Justin Anderson.

The Pittsburgh Steelers signed SS Jordan Dangerfield.

The New Orleans Saints placed TE Jack Tabb on IR.

The Pittsburgh Steelers waived DB Isaiah Lewis.

The Tennessee Titans waived FB Connor Neighbors.

The Dallas Cowboys signed T Cody Clay.

The New York Giants placed WR Chris Harper on IR.

The Arizona Cardinals waived QB Chandler Harnish.

The San Diego Chargers placed G Ben Beckwith on IR.

The Atlanta Falcons placed TE Beau Gardner on IR.

The New York Jets placed FS Antonio Allen on IR.

August 7, 2015

The New England Patriots waived NT Vince Taylor.

The Seattle Seahawks waived DB Tyrequek Zimmerman.

The Arizona Cardinals signed WR Travis Harvey.

The San Francisco 49ers signed ILB Steve Beauharnais.

The Seattle Seahawks signed SAF Robert Smith.

The Pittsburgh Steelers placed TE Rob Blanchflower on IR.

The Arizona Cardinals signed G Nate Isles.

The Atlanta Falcons signed RB Michael Ford.

The San Diego Chargers signed G Melvin Meggs.

The Indianapolis Colts signed G Kitt O'Brien.

The New York Jets signed DB Keon Lyn.

The Washington Redskins signed OLB Junior Galette.

The Arizona Cardinals placed G John Fullington on IR.

The Pittsburgh Steelers signed DT Joe Okafor.

The New Orleans Saints waived TE Jack Tabb.

The Atlanta Falcons waived WR Freddie Martino.

The Buffalo Bills waived DE Erik Williams.

The Atlanta Falcons signed T D.J. Tialavea.

The Tennessee Titans placed S Cody Prewitt on IR.

The Pittsburgh Steelers placed DE Clifton Geathers on IR.

The New York Giants waived WR Chris Harper.

The Buffalo Bills signed RB Bronson Hill.

The Chicago Bears placed TE Brian Vogler on IR.

The New York Giants waived DE Brad Harrah.

The Indianapolis Colts waived T Ben Heenan.

The San Francisco 49ers placed C Ben Gottschalk on IR.

The New York Giants waived WR Ben Edwards.

The San Diego Chargers waived G Ben Beckwith.

The Atlanta Falcons waived TE Beau Gardner.

The New York Jets waived FS Antonio Allen.

The New Orleans Saints signed TE Alex Smith.

The San Francisco 49ers released DE Aldon Smith.

August 6, 2015

The New Orleans Saints signed CB Travis Manning.

The Indianapolis Colts signed CB Tevin Mitchel.

The Arizona Cardinals waived TE Ted Bolser.

The Denver Broncos signed DT Sione Fua.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers signed Sammuel Lamur.

The Indianapolis Colts waived SAF Robert Smith.

The Pittsburgh Steelers waived TE Rob Blanchflower.

The Pittsburgh Steelers signed TE Ray Hamilton.

The San Francisco 49ers signed WR Nigel King.

The New England Patriots signed DE Mason Brodine.

The New England Patriots signed T Mark Asper.

The Chicago Bears signed TE Kevin Greene.

The Denver Broncos waived P Karl Schmitz.

The Tennessee Titans signed SS Josh Aubrey.

The Arizona Cardinals waived G John Fullington.

The New England Patriots waived G Harland Gunn.

The New Orleans Saints waived DE Glenn Foster.

The Pittsburgh Steelers placed WR Eli Rogers on IR.

The Philadelphia Eagles signed OLB Diaheem Watkins.

The Seattle Seahawks signed LB Dakorey Johnson.

The Denver Broncos waived T Connor Rains.

The Tennessee Titans waived S Cody Prewitt.

The Chicago Bears waived TE Brian Vogler.

The San Francisco 49ers waived C Ben Gottschalk.

August 5, 2015

The St. Louis Rams signed CB Trovon Reed.

The Philadelphia Eagles placed OLB Travis Long on IR.

The Washington Redskins waived CB Tevin Mitchel.

The Carolina Panthers signed DB T.J. Heath.

The Dallas Cowboys placed G Reshod Fortenberry on IR.

The Dallas Cowboys waived TE Ray Hamilton.

The Washington Redskins waived FS Phillip Thomas.

The Atlanta Falcons waived CB Michael Lee.

The Baltimore Ravens signed DT Micajah Reynolds.

The Carolina Panthers waived P Matt Wile.

The Pittsburgh Steelers signed WR Kenzel Doe.

The Carolina Panthers signed DT Kenneth Horsley.

The Dallas Cowboys placed LB Justin Anderson on IR.

The Philadelphia Eagles signed WR Josh Reese.

The San Diego Chargers signed CB Jordan Mabin.

The Arizona Cardinals signed CB Jonte Green.

T Jonathan Martin retired from the NFL.

The New York Jets waived WR Jarrod West.

The Pittsburgh Steelers waived WR Eli Rogers.

The Washington Redskins signed CB DreQuan Hoskey.

The St. Louis Rams waived WR Devon Wylie.

The Atlanta Falcons signed NT Derrick Hopkins.

The San Diego Chargers waived WR Demetrius Wilson.

The Arizona Cardinals waived CB Damond Smith.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers waived LS Courtland Clavette.

The San Francisco 49ers released CB Chris Cook.

The Baltimore Ravens waived DT Casey Walker.

The Washington Redskins signed CB Bryan McCann.

The Dallas Cowboys signed TE Brandon Barden.

The New York Jets signed WR Arthur Williams.

The Seattle Seahawks waived LB Alex Singleton.

The New England Patriots placed TE A.J. Derby on IR.

August 4, 2015

The New England Patriots placed NT Vince Taylor on the PUP list.

The Philadelphia Eagles waived OLB Travis Long.

The San Diego Chargers placed DT Tenny Palepoi on IR.

The Dallas Cowboys waived G Reshod Fortenberry.

The New York Giants waived TE Matt LaCosse.

The San Diego Chargers signed DE Luther Robinson.

The New England Patriots signed LB L.J. Fort.

The Kansas City Chiefs signed WR L'Damian Washington.

The New England Patriots placed T Kevin Hughes on IR.

The Miami Dolphins signed WR Kevin Cone.

The Dallas Cowboys signed LB Ka'Lial Glaud.

The Dallas Cowboys placed LB Justin Jackson on IR.

The Dallas Cowboys waived LB Justin Anderson.

The Dallas Cowboys signed LB Jonathan Brown.

The Detroit Lions waived LB Jerrell Harris.

The Detroit Lions signed DE Jerel Worthy.

The New England Patriots signed FB Eric Kettani.

The Miami Dolphins waived G Dionte Savage.

The Philadelphia Eagles waived WR Devante Davis.

The Denver Broncos placed T Connor Rains on IR.

CB Chris Houston retired from the NFL.

The New England Patriots signed LB Cameron Gordon.

The New England Patriots signed DT A.J. Pataiali'i.

The New England Patriots waived TE A.J. Derby.

August 3, 2015

The New England Patriots waived NT Vince Taylor.

The Cleveland Browns signed RB Timothy Flanders.

The San Diego Chargers waived DT Tenny Palepoi.

The Carolina Panthers placed WR Stephen Hill on IR.

The Pittsburgh Steelers waived OLB Shawn Lemon.

The Pittsburgh Steelers placed RB Ross Scheuerman on IR.

The Philadelphia Eagles signed WR Michael Johnson.

The Buffalo Bills signed DB Merrill Noel.

The New York Giants placed TE Matt LaCosse on IR.

The Denver Broncos placed WR Kyle Williams on IR.

The New England Patriots waived T Kevin Hughes.

The Cleveland Browns waived WR Kevin Cone.

The Dallas Cowboys waived LB Justin Jackson.

DE Jeremy Mincey was reinstated from suspension.

The Kansas City Chiefs waived DE Jerel Worthy.

The Cleveland Browns signed RB Jalen Parmele.

The Green Bay Packers signed WR Ed Williams.

The Denver Broncos signed WR Corbin Louks.

The Denver Broncos waived T Connor Rains.

The Denver Broncos signed T Charles Sweeton.

The Cleveland Browns waived CB Brandon Stephens.

The New York Giants placed DE Brad Harrah on IR.

August 2, 2015

The Seattle Seahawks released DT Tony McDaniel.

The Carolina Panthers waived WR Stephen Hill.

The Minnesota Vikings signed WR Ryan Whalen.

The Pittsburgh Steelers waived RB Ross Scheuerman.

The Carolina Panthers signed WR Paul Browning.

The Detroit Lions traded CB Mohammed Seisay to the Seattle Seahawks.

The Pittsburgh Steelers waived TE Michael Egnew.

The New York Giants waived TE Matt LaCosse.

The Kansas City Chiefs waived LaVance Taylor.

The Kansas City Chiefs placed RB Keshawn Hill on IR.

The Pittsburgh Steelers signed RB Jawon Chisholm.

The New York Jets signed WR Jarrod West.

The New York Jets waived RB J.C. Copeland.

The New England Patriots signed G Harland Gunn.

The New York Giants signed WR Derrick Johnson.

The Kansas City Chiefs signed RB Darrin Reaves.

The Philadelphia Eagles traded CB Brandon Boykin to the Pittsburgh Steelers.

The New York Giants waived DE Brad Harrah.

The New York Giants signed DE Brad Bars.

August 1, 2015

The Houston Texans released T Will Yeatman.

The Dallas Cowboys signed LB Will Smith.

The Chicago Bears signed G Tyler Moore.

The Baltimore Ravens signed WR Trent Steelman.

The Buffalo Bills signed T Terren Jones.

The Atlanta Falcons signed T Pierce Burton.

The Philadelphia Eagles signed RB Kevin Monangai.

The Kansas City Chiefs waived RB Keshawn Hill.

The Miami Dolphins waived WR Kai De La Cruz.

The New England Patriots waived DB Justin Green.

The Baltimore Ravens waived QB Jerry Lovelocke.

The New York Giants signed WR James Jones.

The Kansas City Chiefs signed DT Hebron Fangupo.

The Atlanta Falcons waived G Harland Gunn.

The Washington Redskins signed SAF Deshazor Everett.

The New England Patriots released CB Derek Cox.

The Washington Redskins waived LB Dasman McCullum.

The New England Patriots waived LB D.J. Lynch.

The Miami Dolphins signed WR Cobi Hamilton.

The Houston Texans signed DT Chris Neild.

The New York Giants placed WR Ben Edwards on IR.