
July 31, 2004

G Toniu Fonoti was reinstated from suspension.

The Washington Redskins signed SAF Ryan Clark.

The Miami Dolphins placed RB Ricky Williams on IR.

The Washington Redskins signed K Ola Kimrin.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers placed WR Keenan McCardell on IR.

The Denver Broncos waived DT Dorsett Davis.

The Jacksonville Jaguars waived LB Deon Humphrey.

The Washington Redskins signed WR Dameane Douglas.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers signed QB D'Wayne Bates.

The Dallas Cowboys waived WR Brandon Middleton.

July 30, 2004

The Jacksonville Jaguars signed DT Willie Blade.

The Green Bay Packers waived K/P Travis Dorsch.

The Atlanta Falcons signed S/CB Travaris Robinson.

The San Diego Chargers placed G Toniu Fonoti on IR.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers released S Tommy Knight.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers placed WR Sylvester Morris on IR.

The Atlanta Falcons waived LB Spencer Nead.

The Tennessee Titans signed S Scott McGarrahan.

The Denver Broncos signed CB Reggie Stephens.

The Baltimore Ravens signed CB Rashad Holman.

The Oakland Raiders waived WR Quentin McCord.

The Oakland Raiders waived T Pete Campion.

The Baltimore Ravens waived LS Mike Solwold.

The Jacksonville Jaguars waived DT Matt Leonard.

The New England Patriots waived TE Matt Cercone.

The New York Giants waived K Matt Bryant.

The Cincinnati Bengals signed TE James Whalen.

The New York Giants released DT Glen Steele.

The Baltimore Ravens signed CB Fred Weary.

The New York Giants signed DT Delbert Cowsette.

The Seattle Seahawks re-signed LB D.D. Lewis.

July 29, 2004

The New York Giants waived DT Willie Blade.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers waived S/CB Travaris Robinson.

The Cleveland Browns waived QB Todd Husak.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers waived WR Sylvester Morris.

The Green Bay Packers waived LB Junior Glymph.

The New England Patriots released LCB Jeff Burris.

The New York Giants placed 3RDQ Jared Lorenzen on IR.

The New England Patriots signed T James Williams.

The Houston Texans waived C Jamal Powell.

The Atlanta Falcons signed WR Fred Coleman.

The New Orleans Saints waived SS Fred Booker.

The Arizona Cardinals signed G Everett Lindsay.

July 28, 2004

The New England Patriots re-signed T Tom Ashworth.

The Minnesota Vikings signed G Tam Hopkins.

QB Steve Beuerlein retired from the NFL.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers re-signed LB Ryan Nece.

The Denver Broncos released LB John Mobley.

The Cleveland Browns waived RB Joffrey Reynolds.

The Atlanta Falcons placed NT Ellis Johnson on IR.

The New England Patriots signed DE Dwight Johnson.

The New England Patriots re-signed WR David Givens.

July 27, 2004

The New England Patriots signed TE Zeron Flemister.

The New York Giants signed DT Willie Blade.

The Tennessee Titans waived CB Steve Smith.

The Carolina Panthers signed QB Steve Beuerlein.

The Detroit Lions signed T Solomon Page.

The Oakland Raiders released S Rod Woodson.

The Denver Broncos waived CB Reggie Stephens.

The New York Giants waived T Mathias Nkwenti.

The Denver Broncos released WR MarTay Jenkins.

The Denver Broncos released QB Jarious Jackson.

TE Frank Wycheck retired from the NFL.

The St. Louis Rams waived T Elliot Silvers.

The Tennessee Titans waived LB Drew Wahlroos.

The New York Giants waived LB Darnell Dinkins.

The Dallas Cowboys waived QB Chad Hutchinson.

July 26, 2004

The Dallas Cowboys waived DT Willie Blade.

The Dallas Cowboys released TE James Whalen.

The Pittsburgh Steelers signed OLB James Harrison.

The Cincinnati Bengals signed P Eddie Johnson.

The New Orleans Saints waived S Delmonico Montgomery.

The New Orleans Saints signed S Delmonico Montgomery.

The Pittsburgh Steelers waived T Dave Costa.

The St. Louis Rams waived C/G Andy Eby.

July 23, 2004

The Green Bay Packers signed RE Tyrone Rogers.

The Minnesota Vikings signed WR Ryan Hoag.

The New England Patriots signed TE Matt Cercone.

The St. Louis Rams signed DE Kevin Aldridge.

The Minnesota Vikings signed P Filip Filipovic.

The Minnesota Vikings waived P Eddie Johnson.

The Dallas Cowboys signed RB Eddie George.

The Green Bay Packers waived DE Chase Cochran.

The Oakland Raiders released C Barret Robbins.

The Cincinnati Bengals released OLB Adrian Ross.

July 22, 2004

The Buffalo Bills signed LB Jason Gildon.

The Tennessee Titans signed RB Antowain Smith.

July 21, 2004

The Baltimore Ravens placed DB Zach Norton on IR.

The Washington Redskins signed TE Sean Brewer.

The New England Patriots waived WR Marquise Walker.

The Cleveland Browns signed DE Jamal Reynolds.

The Tennessee Titans released RB Eddie George.

The Pittsburgh Steelers waived OLB Dwayne Levels.

The Houston Texans waived FB Charles Stackhouse.

The Tennessee Titans waived WR Chad Lucas.

July 20, 2004

The Baltimore Ravens waived DB Zach Norton.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers signed WR Bill Schroeder.

July 19, 2004

The Green Bay Packers signed LB Tyreo Harrison.

The New England Patriots signed QB Jim Miller.

The St. Louis Rams signed T Elliot Silvers.

The Pittsburgh Steelers signed OLB Dwayne Levels.

July 16, 2004

The Philadelphia Eagles waived LB Tyreo Harrison.

The Atlanta Falcons signed FB Stanley Pritchett.

The Philadelphia Eagles signed LB Jeremiah Trotter.

The Cincinnati Bengals waived OLB Dwayne Levels.

The NFL suspended DT Darrell Russell.

July 15, 2004

The New England Patriots signed QB#3 Kurt Kittner.

July 14, 2004

The Green Bay Packers waived DE Jamal Reynolds.

July 13, 2004

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers released DT Darrell Russell.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers waived T Chris Ziemann.

July 12, 2004

The Dallas Cowboys placed RB Erik Bickerstaff on IR.

July 9, 2004

The New York Giants signed TE Joe Dean Davenport.

The New England Patriots released S Jason Perry.

The Dallas Cowboys waived RB Erik Bickerstaff.

July 8, 2004

The New England Patriots re-signed OL Wilbert Brown.

The New England Patriots re-signed S Shawn Mayer.

The New York Jets signed TE Mikhael Ricks.

The Seattle Seahawks signed DT John Schlecht.

The Green Bay Packers traded DE Jamal Reynolds to the Indianapolis Colts.

July 7, 2004

The New England Patriots released CB Otis Smith.

July 6, 2004

The St. Louis Rams signed T Ryan Schau.

T Lincoln Kennedy retired from the NFL.

LB Hunter Goodwin retired from the NFL.

July 1, 2004

The Miami Dolphins waived WR Nick Davis.

The Houston Texans signed OT/G Marcus Spears.

The Houston Texans signed WR Andrae Thurman.