
Starters Table
Pos Player Age Yrs GS Summary of Player Stats Drafted (tm/rnd/yr)
Offensive Starters
QBBen Roethlisberger30813284 for 449, 3,265 yards, 26 td, 8 int, & 26 rushes for 92 yards and 0 td
RBJonathan Dwyer2326156 rushes for 623 yards, 2 td, & 18 catches for 106 yards and 0 td
RBWill Johnson23172 rushes for 7 yards, 0 td, & 15 catches for 137 yards and 1 td
WRAntonio Brown2421066 catches for 787 yards, 5 td, & 7 rushes for 24 yards and 0 td
WRMike Wallace2631464 catches for 836 yards, 8 td, & 5 rushes for 7 yards and 0 td
TEHeath Miller*3071571 catches for 816 yards, 8 td
LTMax Starks308161 fumble recovered
LGWillie Colon296111 fumble recovered
CMaurkice Pouncey*23215
RGRamon Foster26316
RTMike Adams22Rook6
Defensive Starters
LDEEvander Hood253163.0 sacks, 0 interceptions, 2 fumbles recovered
NTCasey Hampton351116
RDEBrett Keisel3410164.5 sacks, 0 interceptions, 1 fumble recovered
LOLBLaMarr Woodley285134.0 sacks, 1 interception, 1 fumble recovered
LILBLarry Foote3210164.0 sacks, 0 interceptions, 2 fumbles recovered
RILBLawrence Timmons265166.0 sacks, 3 interceptions, 1 fumble recovered
ROLBJames Harrison3410136.0 sacks, 0 interceptions, 0 fumbles recovered
LCBKeenan Lewis26316
RCBIke Taylor329120.0 sacks, 1 interception, 0 fumbles recovered
SSTroy Polamalu31971.0 sacks, 1 interception, 0 fumbles recovered
FSRyan Clark3310150.0 sacks, 2 interceptions, 1 fumble recovered
