
Starters Table
Pos Player Age Yrs GS Summary of Player Stats Drafted (tm/rnd/yr)
Offensive Starters
QBCharlie Batch26215221 for 412, 2,489 yards, 13 td, 15 int, & 44 rushes for 199 yards and 2 td
RBJames Stewart29516339 rushes for 1,184 yards, 10 td, & 32 catches for 287 yards and 1 td
FBCory Schlesinger28581 rush for 3 yards, 0 td, & 12 catches for 73 yards and 0 td
WRHerman Moore3191140 catches for 434 yards, 3 td
WRJohnnie Morton2961661 catches for 788 yards, 3 td, & 4 rushes for 25 yards and 0 td
TEDavid Sloan2851032 catches for 379 yards, 2 td
LTRay Roberts31810
LGTony Semple3058
CMike Compton30716
RGJeff Hartings284161 fumble recovered
RTAaron Gibson23110
Defensive Starters
LDERobert Porcher318168.0 sacks, 0 interceptions, 1 fumble recovered
LDTJames Jones319163.0 sacks, 0 interceptions, 1 fumble recovered
RDTLuther Elliss*275163.0 sacks, 0 interceptions, 2 fumbles recovered
RDETracy Scroggins318156.5 sacks, 0 interceptions, 0 fumbles recovered
LLBAllen Aldridge286142.0 sacks, 1 interception, 1 fumble recovered
MLBStephen Boyd*285150.5 sacks, 1 interception, 1 fumble recovered
RLBChris Claiborne221140.5 sacks, 1 interception, 0 fumbles recovered
LCBBryant Westbrook263130.0 sacks, 6 interceptions, 0 fumbles recovered
RCBTerry Fair242150.0 sacks, 2 interceptions, 1 fumble recovered
SSRon Rice284140.0 sacks, 1 interception, 1 fumble recovered
FSKurt Schulz328110.0 sacks, 7 interceptions, 0 fumbles recovered
