
Starters Table
Pos Player Age Yrs GS Summary of Player Stats Drafted (tm/rnd/yr)
Offensive Starters
QBFrank Tripucka331114248 for 478, 3,038 yards, 24 td, 34 int, & 10 rushes for yards and 0 td
FBDave Rolle23Rook12130 rushes for 501 yards, 2 td, & 21 catches for 122 yards and 1 td
LHBGene Mingo22Rook7
RHBAl Carmichael3279
LEBill Jessup31989 catches for 120 yards, 1 td
LTGordy Holz27Rook9
LGKen Adamson22Rook14
CMike Nichols22Rook14
RGWillie Smith23Rook14
RTEldon Danenhauer25Rook14
RELionel Taylor+2511192 catches for 1,235 yards, 12 td, & 2 rushes for -6 yards and 0 td
Defensive Starters
LDEJoe Young27Rook14
LDTBud McFadin+32814
RDTJohnny Hatley30714
RDEBill Yelverton27Rook81 interception, 0 fumbles recovered
LLBPete Mangum29612
MLBHardy Brown361211
RLBAl Day22Rook7
LCBBob McNamara29Rook124 interceptions, 0 fumbles recovered
RCBJohnny Pyeatt27Rook134 interceptions, 0 fumbles recovered
SSAl Romine285123 interceptions, 0 fumbles recovered
FSGoose Gonsoulin+22Rook1411 interceptions, 0 fumbles recovered
