
Starters Table
Pos Player Age Yrs GS Summary of Player Stats Drafted (tm/rnd/yr)
Offensive Starters
QBBrian Sipe34914291 for 496, 3,566 yards, 26 td, 23 int, & 26 rushes for 56 yards and 0 td
RBMike Pruitt29714293 rushes for 1,184 yards, 10 td, & 30 catches for 157 yards and 2 td
WRBobby Jones2851136 catches for 507 yards, 4 td, & 1 rush for 19 yards and 0 td
WRDave Logan2971337 catches for 627 yards, 2 td
TEHarry Holt2611129 catches for 420 yards, 3 td, & 3 rushes for 8 yards and 0 td
TEOzzie Newsome2751689 catches for 970 yards, 6 td
LTDoug Dieken341216
LGRobert Jackson30816
CMike Baab24115
RGJoe DeLamielleure321016
RTCody Risien26416
Defensive Starters
LDEReggie Camp22Rook164.5 sacks, 0 interceptions, 0 fumbles recovered
NTBob Golic264163.5 sacks, 1 interception, 0 fumbles recovered
RDEKeith Baldwin23191.0 sacks, 0 interceptions, 0 fumbles recovered
LOLBChip Banks*+241164.0 sacks, 3 interceptions, 1 fumble recovered
LILBScott Nicolas2318
RILBTom Cousineau261164.0 sacks, 4 interceptions, 2 fumbles recovered
ROLBClay Matthews275166.0 sacks, 0 interceptions, 0 fumbles recovered
LCBLarry Braziel2947
RCBHanford Dixon252151.0 sacks, 3 interceptions, 0 fumbles recovered
SSClinton Burrell274110.0 sacks, 2 interceptions, 1 fumble recovered
FSMike Whitwell251161.0 sacks, 3 interceptions, 0 fumbles recovered
