
Starters Table
Pos Player Age Yrs GS Summary of Player Stats Drafted (tm/rnd/yr)
Offensive Starters
QBCarson Palmer25113263 for 432, 2,897 yards, 18 td, 18 int, & 18 rushes for 47 yards and 1 td
RBRudi Johnson*25316361 rushes for 1,454 yards, 12 td, & 15 catches for 84 yards and 0 td
WRT.J. Houshmandzadeh2731373 catches for 978 yards, 4 td, & 6 rushes for 51 yards and 0 td
WRChad Johnson*2631695 catches for 1,274 yards, 9 td, & 4 rushes for 39 yards and 0 td
TEReggie Kelly2751515 catches for 85 yards, 0 td
TETony Stewart253910 catches for 48 yards, 1 td
LTLevi Jones25216
LGEric Steinbach24115
CRich Braham341010
RGBobbie Williams28316
RTWillie Anderson*+29816
Defensive Starters
LDEDuane Clemons308146.5 sacks, 0 interceptions, 0 fumbles recovered
LDTJohn Thornton285163.0 sacks, 0 interceptions, 0 fumbles recovered
RDEJustin Smith253168.0 sacks, 0 interceptions, 2 fumbles recovered
LLBKevin Hardy318144.0 sacks, 0 interceptions, 0 fumbles recovered
MLBLandon Johnson23Rook112.0 sacks, 0 interceptions, 1 fumble recovered
RLBBrian Simmons296151.0 sacks, 2 interceptions, 1 fumble recovered
LCBDeltha O'Neal274101.0 sacks, 4 interceptions, 0 fumbles recovered
RCBTory James*318160.0 sacks, 8 interceptions, 1 fumble recovered
SSKim Herring297100.0 sacks, 1 interception, 0 fumbles recovered
FSMadieu Williams23Rook132.0 sacks, 3 interceptions, 2 fumbles recovered
