Career Penalties

Career Penalties Table
Year Date Tm Opp Quarter Time Down ToGo Location Tm Opp Penalty Yds D/O
20142014-09-07PITCLE205:0744CLE 43324Illegal Block Above the Waist10
20142014-09-28PITTAM407:15411TAM 452420Face Mask (15 Yards)15
20142014-10-05PIT@JAX105:22JAX 3503Offensive Holding10
20142014-10-05PIT@JAX312:1046JAX 39610Illegal Block Above the Waist10
20152015-10-01PITBAL305:56423PIT 72014Player Out of Bounds on Punt5
20152015-11-01PITCIN406:39325CIN 9610Illegal Block Above the Waist10
6 Accepted Penalties60