- * Selected to Pro Bowl, + First-Team AP All-Pro, Bold indicates league leader
Snap Counts
- Since 2012
Offensive Line Penalties
- Since 1994
Combine Measurements
- Trade data since 1994
- Transaction, fine, and suspension data since 2002
Frequently Asked Questions
How old is Nick Broeker?
Nick Broeker is 24 years old.
When was Nick Broeker born?
Nick Broeker was born on October 7, 2000.
Where was Nick Broeker born?
Nick Broeker was born in Springfield, IL.
How tall is Nick Broeker?
Nick Broeker is 6-5 (196 cm) tall.
How much does Nick Broeker weigh?
Nick Broeker weighs 305 lbs (138 kg).
How many games does Nick Broeker play?
Nick Broeker played 9 games last season and 12 games over his career.
What is Nick Broeker's Twitter account?
Nick Broeker is on Twitter at NickBro3ker.
What is Nick Broeker's Instagram account?
Nick Broeker is on Instagram at nickbro3ker.
Player News