All Players To Wear Number 52 For Seattle Seahawks


Uniform Numbers

Uniform Numbers Table
Player From To AV
Ricky Andrews199019901
Ray-Ray Armstrong202020200
Jason Babin200720080
Allen Bradford201220130
Randy Coffield197619762
Brock Coyle201420165
Jean-Phillipe Darche2000200613
Emmanuel Ellerbee201820180
Terence Garvin201720172
Jermaine Grace201820180
Will Grant198619863
M.L. Johnson198719897
D.D. Lewis200920091
Kevin Mawae1994199729
Matt McCoy201020112
Jason McEndoo199819980
Richard Newbill199219921
Joe Norman197919837
Patrick O'Connell202420240
Darrell Taylor202120239
Rico Tipton198719871