Advanced stats are updated the Wednesday following the week's games. The advanced stats shown here are updated through week 3 of the 2024 season.

Advanced Passing

Advanced Passing Table
Games Passing
No. Player Age Pos G GS Cmp Att Yds IAY IAY/PA CAY CAY/Cmp CAY/PA YAC YAC/Cmp
5Jayden Daniels24QB2240534102364.51142.92.22967.4
Advanced Passing Table
Games Passing
No. Player Age Pos G GS Cmp Att Yds Bats ThAwy Spikes Drops Drop% BadTh Bad% OnTgt OnTgt%
5Jayden Daniels24QB22405341010011.9%713.2%4584.9%
Advanced Passing Table
Games Passing
No. Player Age Pos G GS Cmp Att Yds Sk PktTime Bltz Hrry Hits Prss Prss% Scrm Yds/Scr
5Jayden Daniels24QB22405341072.123631622.5%1110.0
Advanced Passing Table
Games Passing RPO PlayAction
No. Player Age Pos G GS Cmp Att Yds Plays Yds PassAtt PassYds RushAtt RushYds PassAtt PassYds
5Jayden Daniels24QB2240534101512511913341177

Advanced Rushing

  • * Selected to Pro Bowl, + First-Team All-Pro

Advanced Receiving

  • * Selected to Pro Bowl, + First-Team All-Pro

Advanced Defense

  • * Selected to Pro Bowl, + First-Team All-Pro