
Starters Table
Pos Player Age Yrs GS Summary of Player Stats Drafted (tm/rnd/yr)
Offensive Starters
QBGary Huff2429114 for 205, 1,083 yards, 3 td, 9 int, & 5 rushes for 7 yards and 0 td
RBWalter Payton22Rook7196 rushes for 679 yards, 7 td, & 33 catches for 213 yards and 0 td
FBRoland Harper22Rook10100 rushes for 453 yards, 1 td, & 27 catches for 191 yards and 0 td
WRBob Grim3081328 catches for 374 yards, 2 td
WRBo Rather2521439 catches for 685 yards, 2 td, & 4 rushes for 24 yards and 0 td
TEBob Parsons2531013 catches for 184 yards, 1 td
LTLionel Antoine25314
LGNoah Jackson241141 fumble recovered
CDan Peiffer24Rook111 fumble recovered
RGMark Nordquist307131 fumble recovered
RTJeff Sevy251121 fumble recovered
Defensive Starters
LDEMike Hartenstine22Rook140 interceptions, 2 fumbles recovered
LDTRoger Stillwell24Rook11
RDTWally Chambers*24214
RDERichard Harris27480 interceptions, 1 fumble recovered
LLBDoug Buffone319141 interception, 1 fumble recovered
MLBLarry Ely285101 interception, 1 fumble recovered
RLBWaymond Bryant231130 interceptions, 3 fumbles recovered
LCBAllan Ellis242142 interceptions, 0 fumbles recovered
RCBVirgil Livers23Rook72 interceptions, 3 fumbles recovered
SSDoug Plank22Rook142 interceptions, 0 fumbles recovered
FSCraig Clemons263142 interceptions, 3 fumbles recovered
