All Players To Wear Number 25 For Detroit Lions


Uniform Numbers

Uniform Numbers Table
Player From To AV
Jamal Adams202420241
Gene Alford19311932
Lou Barle19381938
Karl Bernard198719872
Fernando Bryant2004200713
Bill Callihan19411945
George Christensen19371937
Jim David19521959
Anthony Fields198719871
Aldo Forte19461946
Johnny Hackenbruck19401940
Corey Harris2002200311
Will Harris2019202313
Greg Jeffries199319989
Brian Kelly200820083
Horace King1975198332
Mikel Leshoure201220135
Jeremy Lincoln200020000
Marcus McCauley200920090
Earl McCullouch1968197332
Mayes McLain19301930
Paul Palmer198919890
Randy Phillips201020100
Ray Richards19341934
Theo Riddick2014201826
Oscar Smith198619860
Red Stacy19351937
Pat Studstill1961196732
Tyree Talton199919991
Lamont Warren200120014
Marvin White200920092
Sheldon White199019922