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Frequently Asked Questions
When was Pat Shea born?
Pat Shea was born on June 28, 1939.
Where was Pat Shea born?
Pat Shea was born in La Jolla, CA.
How tall was Pat Shea?
Pat Shea was 6-1 (185 cm) tall.
How much did Pat Shea weigh when playing?
Pat Shea weighed 250 lbs (113 kg) when playing.
Is Pat Shea in the Hall of Fame?
Pat Shea has not been elected into the Hall of Fame.
How many games did Pat Shea play?
Pat Shea played 41 games over his career.
How many Super Bowls has Pat Shea won?
Pat Shea never won a Super Bowl.
When did Pat Shea retire?
Pat Shea last played in 1965.
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